Hi, I’m David and when I was younger, I thought about what I wanted to do with my life and I realized I wanted to be like Felix the Cat. Specifically, I wanted a magical bag of tricks I could reach into and lead everyone on an adventure. A theater arts degree and 30 years of performing and experimenting and having fun with audiences of all ages has evolved into the Get Puppetty experience.

Technology has finally caught up with my imagination. I can now take your picture, print it out and slap it onto any puppet cutout body you choose and in just a few minutes, we can recreate any story you can think of!
For example… This is the disaster that was my dad proposing to my mom.

The Get Puppetty Stage…
What is it you ask? It’s my Grandma’s make up kit from the 50’s crammed with all the gear we need to turn you and your friends into puppets and recreate and film your favorite stories, or just make stuff up and see where it goes.

Once you are made into a puppet…
…it’s time to get to know each other! We play different games designed to help you remember funny events in your life or just create a narrative out of your imagination and work together to make a short film that can be shared with friends and family.

How does this work?
Step 1
We talk on the phone about what kind of audience you want to entertain and we schedule an event of a certain duration.
Step 2
I show up with supplies and equipment and lot of enthusiasm. And an assistant if we need one.
Step 3
I work with the audience to find some stories to bring to life.
Step 4
We perform stories in small groups for the larger audience.
Step 5
We laugh, we cry, we get to know each other and have a lot of fun.
Ready to Get Puppetty?
Questions or Booking Inquiries?
Team building and creativity workshops, kids parties, and bringing some joy to senior care facilities are my favorites, but I can bring my bag of tricks to almost any event. Let’s talk!
Call: (831) 884-4128
Email: davidfreleng@gmail.com

David Freleng
Chief Instigator